Things are changing fast. You’re reaching the home stretch of the first trimester (we know, finally!) at 12 weeks which means your hormones are likely to tone things down a bit — which might make you feel a little less …
Around 11 weeks, you’ll probably notice some subtle changes, like an increase in vaginal discharge and a dark, vertical line appearing down the center of your belly (known as the linea nigra). It’s probably tough to feel calm right now, …
Now that you’ve reached 10 weeks, you can stop wondering when you’ll start to actually look pregnant. It’s probably right around now, as your baby continues her rapid growth and your tummy starts to develop some extra curve (of course, …
At nine weeks pregnant, you and baby have made two big accomplishments: You’ve made it to month three, and she’s no longer an embryo — now she’s a fetus. Basically that means she’s becoming more and more baby-like, and you’re …
Ew, what stinks? Your hormones are doing some pretty freaky things at week eight, likely heightening your sense of smell and making your stomach do flip-flops. And don’t get us started on those wacky pregnancy dreams. What’s interesting is that …
At seven weeks, you’re probably gearing up for your first prenatal visit with your OB, and you’re probably dying to know what to expect. Brace yourself to give a variety of samples (blood, urine and cervical cells — yeesh!), get …
Has the news sunk in yet? At six weeks, your pregnancy is still new to you, so it’s normal to feel a little emotional. Add that to some pretty uncomfortable early pregnancy symptoms (which include hormone fluctuations that can feel …
Five weeks is a common time when moms-to-be find out they’re pregnant (though some won’t discover it for a couple more weeks still). That’s because by now you probably realized you’ve missed your period. Plus, heightened pregnancy hormone levels may be …
Congratulations! If you know you’re four weeks pregnant, you found out the news earlier than most women probably do — and you might be totally excited, or you might be still getting used to the idea. Either way, it’s likely …