+254 708 115 132   info@supamamas.co.ke


K Kiddie Snacks

Fruit ice lollies

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  • Ice Lollies are very refreshing for a hot day or a relaxing weekend,
  • Use a variety of different fruits including mango and pear, and strawberry and watermelon.
  • Loaded with vitamins.


  • 50g  sugar
  • 60 ml water
  • 250g strawberries
  • 250g watermelon, cubed and deseeded


  1. Put the sugar and water into a small saucepan and boil until syrupy (about 3 minutes). Allow to cool.
  2. Puree the strawberries and sieve to get rid of the seeds.  Puree the watermelon and mix with the pureed strawberries and cooled syrup.
  3. Pour the mixture into ice lolly moulds and freeze.

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+254 708 115 132
Darosa Plaza, Karen Road Office No.10