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P Philips Avent & My Baby

Breast feeding basics - increase your breastmilk supply by using a breast pump

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Did you know that one of the best ways of increasing your  breast milk supply is by using a breast pump ?

You can do this for 5-10 minutes after you nurse your baby, or a least 8 times in 24 hours.

Breast pumps are manufactured to mimic the nursing habits of babies and shouldn't hurt when properly attached.

You can adjust an electric pump's speed and suction levels to suit your needs.

Whatever model you choose, use it several times during your maternity leave, so you don't have to figure out how to work a breast pump on your first day back at the office.

For a start, once you're ready for a pumping session, you'll need to trigger the let-down reflex to start your milk flowing.

Every woman has her own method, but a few tactics are widely used:

  • Relaxing is very important, so go to a quiet, comfortable place. Looking at a picture of the baby or having a piece of clothing that smells of the baby can help. Compression of the breast can also get the milk flow going."
  • Other tricks that may work: applying a warm compress to the breast, listening to a recording of your baby crying, or shaking the breast before pumping.

How often you should pump depends on your supply and demand, as determined by your baby.

As a baby gets older, a nursing mom can try to stretch the time between her pumping sessions.

It's important to listen to your body on when  it's time for another pumping session. Waiting too long can sometimes cause discomfort, engorgement, and a decrease in your milk supply, as your body will make what it thinks your baby needs.

Click Icon Below to find out more about Philips Avent Breast Pumps.

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