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So you’re not new to this whole parenting thing. That doesn’t mean that becoming a second-time mom isn’t just a little nerve-wracking. How will your firstborn react to having a little friendly competition?


Is another child really twice the work? Here’s what second-time mum Lencer Otieno’s experience has been like.


Lencer’s first child is 3 years old; her second pregnancy was manageable as she had more experience unlike the first one she didn’t know what to expect. Her second pregnancy was smooth including her birth experience where she had supportive team at the hospital and knowledge from her Lamaze class.

For her eldest child, the changes have not been easy for her, it was a mixed reaction of love today and tomorrow she is all tears crying for attention. She feels displaced but the family has been working on that by spending quality time with her when the new baby is asleep, watching cartoons together and taking a walk around the estate.

Balancing her own needs as mums has been key by being part of online mum platforms such as “Online Pregnant and Nursing Kenyan Mum”,” “Breast Feeding and Support Group” and attending events organized by “Supamamas” which has enabled her learn new stuff and mingle with other mums.


Lencer’s experience as a second time mum goes to show that there are certainly benefits of being a second time mum because there are things you don’t worry about any more like how long the baby takes before pooping. For Lencer, before she'd be worried sick.

And with a light touch here are some differences between First time mums Vs second time mums:


For your 1st baby, you have a vast collection of new baby clothes gifted from the baby shower or that you’ve purchased yourself. They’re all pre-washed in gentle, hypoallergenic detergent and hanging in the closet or wardrobe coordinated by color.

2ND BABY: You have a collection of pre-owned and pre-stained baby clothing, most of which baby #2 will never wear because you just keep putting him or her in pretty much the same outfits.



1ST BABY: Baby drops pacifier. You dive across the room; hands extended like a sports champion, with no thought as to your own bodily harm, and narrowly miss it before it hits the kitchen floor. Afterwards, you sterilize it in boiling water, and then give it back to her.

2ND BABY: Baby drops pacifier. You pick it up, swipe it on your pant leg and hand it back.



1ST BABY: You have a carefully crafted baby book with photos of every “first.” First smile, first time rolling over, first tooth, first word, and first step.

2ND BABY: You have a newborn photo they took at the hospital. Somewhere.



1ST BABY: When you leave your baby with your help, you insist she call or text with updates at least every half hour. You take your phone out continually to see if you’ve missed a message. If you have gone out, at 10pm, you tell your hubs you just want to go home and kiss the baby good night.

2ND BABY: You are so happy to get a break, as long as you have someone responsible that you trust watching the kids



1ST BABY: You’re constantly sticking your finger in your baby’s diaper to check for wetness or sniffing her tushy to see if she pooped. You take her to the changing table to put on a new diaper just so her bottom won’t get “irritated.”

2ND BABY: The diaper gets so full sometimes. Your “changing table” is the couch.



1ST BABY: You throw a giant themed 1st birthday party and invite all your friends, family and coworkers. You buy matching decorations, a bakery cake and rent a jumpy house for a child too young to go in one.

2ND BABY: You stick a candle on a cupcake, sing happy birthday with immediate family and call it a night.



1ST BABY: If your baby is the least little bit fussy, you take his temperature rectally, under his arm, in his ear and across his forehead with one of five thermometers. Then you call the pediatrician to see if a 36.5 degrees temperature warrants a trip to the hospital.

2ND BABY: Your first kid flushed the thermometers down the toilet last year and you still haven’t bought a new one.



1ST BABY: Whenever you leave the house, you have a dedicated diaper bag with everything the baby could possibly need while out (diapers, ointment, wipes, bottles, burp cloths, change of clothes, assorted toys, etc.) separated into designated labeled compartments.

2ND BABY: Your “baby bag” is your handbag.



1ST BABY: If someone comes over to see the baby, you make them wait until her nap is over because you don’t want her schedule getting “messed up”. You remind people constantly to wash their hands before they hold her.

2ND BABY: If someone comes over to see the baby, you hand him to them without hesitation and ask if you can run out for a few minutes to pick up something from the supermarketJ.

Speaking for many second time mums, as Lencer say’s “if you are about to become a second time mum or plan to be one, rest easy. It gets easy with experience.”

Contact us today! so we can connect you with mums (women) in the most experiential and engaging way!..both online on our website and page, and offline-through events.

+254 708 115 132
Darosa Plaza, Karen Road Office No.10