+254 708 115 132   info@supamamas.co.ke


K Kids & Family Events


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*The Centonomy Teens Boot Camp* is a 4-day program that will instill a Money-Saving culture for your son/daughter.
It will take them through interesting and practical sessions that will help them understand the big picture, get a head start in life, build financial confidence, understand how today’s choices affect tomorrow’s reality. *Register at a discount of Ksh 500 before 5th Nov*. Classes start on the *14th of November*. Call 0735095549 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to register your teen.

Contact us today! so we can connect you with mums (women) in the most experiential and engaging way!..both online on our website and page, and offline-through events.

+254 708 115 132
Darosa Plaza, Karen Road Office No.10