Week 9

At nine weeks pregnant, you and baby have made two big accomplishments: You’ve made it to month three, and she’s no longer an embryo — now she’s a fetus. Basically that means she’s becoming more and more baby-like, and you’re inching closer and closer to leaving the nasties of the first trimester behind you. Just one more month to go! By now, you’ve probably visited the OB, and maybe even seen baby’s tiny heartbeat on the ultrasound. Exciting stuff, huh? You’re also probably starting to think about how life will change when baby’s in the picture. Around week nine, you might want to start looking for ways you and your partner can budget, so you have some extra cash when she arrives. You also should consider checking out your company’s handbook to see how maternity leave is typically handled. That way, when it comes time to break the news to your boss, you’ll be prepared to discuss your expectations — and begin a potential plan — with her.

Your baby’s the size of a green olive! 

She’s gaining steam! At 9 weeks, your fetus measures around .9 inches and weighs about .07 ounces.

Your baby at 9 weeks

  • This is a milestone. She’s no longer an embryo — now she’s a fetus!
  • She’s developing more distinct facial features.
  • And she might now have a strong enough heartbeat to be picked up by a fetal doppler.

Pregnancy symptoms at 9 weeks

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