Hungry much? Now that you’re not feeling so queasy, you’re probably enjoying eating. A lot. Plus, you’re fueling baby’s growth — which is happening at super speed at 14 weeks. Be sure to keep plenty of healthy snacks by your side just in case you get the munchies. It’s important — for you and for baby — that you don’t indulge in too many greasy, fatty foods, so you’re both getting the right nutrients. (Of course, the occasional bowl of ice cream is totally okay.) And we just wanted to remind you: eating for two doesn’t mean doubling your calorie intake. Not only have you gotten your appetite back at week 14, but you’ve probably also gotten some of your energy back, too. If you found yourself shying away from exercise during trimester one, it’s time to get back on track. Go take a walk!
Your baby’s the size of a lemon!
At week 14, your baby is 3.4 inches and 1.5 ounces, he’s almost doubled in weight since last week and keeps on growing.
Your baby at 14 weeks
- He’s probably sucking his thumb and wiggling his toes in there!
- His kidneys are making urine, and his liver and spleen are doing their jobs, too.
- And he’s growing lanugo, a thin, peach-fuzz-like hair, all over his body — it will help him keep warm!
Pregnancy symptoms at 14 weeks
- As you emerge from the nasties of the first trimester, you’re probably getting your energy back.
- You’re probably feeling some aches and pains, as your muscles and ligaments stretch to accomodate your growing baby.
- Hungry! Once the queasies of the first trimester subside, you might find your appetite on overdrive.
- You might notice your hair getting thicker and shinier, one of the (few) attractive side-effects of pregnancy.
Your must-do’s
- Have your monthly prenatal visit to the OB.
Your nice-to-do’s
- Start coming up with ideas for the nursery.
- Buy some maternity jeans, if you don’t have them already.