Week 29

You’re probably already getting a little preview of baby’s personality, the more your feel him move. You might get some playful kicks and jabs, and start to feel little hiccups, too! At 29 weeks, he’s not just moving a lot, he’s also plumping up. And as he continues to put pressure on your digestive system, you’re going to feel the effects: hemorrhoids, heartburn, pelvic pain and frequent urination are all common at this stage in the game. Week 29 is a good time to start finalizing stuff, like stocking the nursery with baby care essentials and checking out a few potential day cares. You’ll also want to start packing a few things you know you’ll want with you at the hospital at baby’s birth. Leave it by the door, so you can add stuff you think of along the way — and so you can grab it at a moment’s notice.


Your baby’s the size of an acorn squash! 

Baby already measures about 15.2 to 16.7 inches long. Right now, we weighs about 2.5 to 3.8 pounds but he’s still got a ways to go — can you believe he’ll triple in weight before birth? 


Your baby at 29 weeks

  • He’s getting a little cramped in there, since he’s growing so fast. But you probably already realize that, since you’re getting all those jabs and kicks.
  • He’s growing white fat deposits under his skin, and his energy is surging because of it.
  • Feel a subtle twitch? It might be baby hiccupping

Pregnancy symptoms at 29 weeks

  • Lots of kicks! (All that crowding.)
  • Headaches and/or lightheadedness, possibly due to difficulty sleeping, but it could be from low blood sugar too, so make sure you’re eating at regular intervals.
  • Itchy belly. Your skin is stretching thinner, making it more sensitive.
  • Back, leg or pelvic pain.
  • Hemorrhoids. Baby’s putting pressure on your digestive system, and hormones may be relaxing your intestinal muscles. Eat plenty of fiber.
  • Constipation. This isn’t really helping the hemorrhoid situation, is it?
  • Trouble sleeping — still!
  • Gotta pee — again! The more your uterus expands, the more you’ll probably have to hit the restroom.
  • Varicose veins. Don’t worry! These should fade after delivery.

Your must-do’s

  • Make sure you’re getting plenty of rest.

Your nice-to-do’s

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