At 32 weeks, baby’s birth still seems kind of far away, but you and baby are physically ready in a lot of ways, just in case there’s an early arrival. Baby may have turned so she’s in the head-down position by now, poised for her trip down the birth canal. And you may have noticed your nipples looking darker. That’s so a preemie can see them for breastfeeding — isn’t your body so amazing? Intensity might be building in the symptoms department, as heartburn and contractions intensify around week 32. But we’re guessing you’re so excited about baby’s impending arrival, they’re not slowing you down much.
Your baby’s the size of a squash!
Still growing, your baby weighs in at about 2.5 to 3.8 pounds and measures about 15.2 to 16.7 inches.
Your baby at 32 weeks
- She’s getting ready for her descent — she’s likely in the head-down position now.
- And she’s probably feeling a even more cramped.
Pregnancy symptoms at 32 weeks
- More Braxton Hicks contractions. Are they getting more intense?
- Darker nipples, so baby can see then better when it comes time to breastfeed.
- Shortness of breath. Don’t worry: baby is getting plenty of air.
- Heartburn. Go ahead and pop an antacid.
- Enlarged breasts that may leak!
- Vaginal discharge. Your body is preparing for delivery by preventing infection down there.
Your must-do’s
- Schedule your bi-monthly prenatal visit to the OB.
- Call your health insurance company and find out how to make sure baby’s covered.
Your nice-to-do’s
- Contact the cord blood bank, if you’re planning to use it.
- Get any items you still need for baby.