Get excited. At 37 weeks, your baby has reached full term. That means he’s developed his most crucial functions. Of course, he’ll get even healthier and stronger over the next few weeks, so don’t get too impatient. Around week 37, many moms-to-be find themselves organizing cupboards and scrubbing their floors. That’s the nesting instinct kicking in as your body senses baby will be here shortly. It also might be your brain’s way of making sure you’re prepared for just about anything, so you can feel like you have an extra edge on this whole new parent thing.
Your baby’s the size of a winter melon!
Yay! Baby has reached full term. He likely measures around 18.9 to 20.9 inches and weighs about 6.2 to 9.2 pounds. He’s gaining about 1/2 ounce each day.
Your baby at 37 weeks
- He’s practicing some skills: inhaling, exhaling, sucking, gripping and blinking.
- He’s getting his first sticky poop (called meconium) ready for his first diaper.
Pregnancy symptoms at 37 weeks
- The urge to “nest.” this instinct might make you want to clean house in preparation for baby.
- Heartburn, since baby continues to put pressure on your digestive system.
- Spotting. But call your doctor if it’s heavy bleeding.
- Stretch marks — sorry, but new ones might appear each week from here on out.
- Increased pressure on your abdomen (and greater urge to pee!), since baby may have dropped.
- Trouble sleeping. Be sure you’re getting plenty of exercise during the day, drinking lots of water and limiting your caffeine intake.
Your must-do’s
- Schedule your weekly prenatal visit to the OB.
Your nice-to-do’s
- Have sex. Remember: you won’t be able to for about five weeks after delivery.
- Get together with a friend for a girl’s night before baby arrives — time’s running out!