Week 38

Yow! If you feel a sort of lightening bolt running up and down your legs (and in your crotch), don’t freak out. At 38 weeks, baby’s probably sitting pretty low in your pelvis, which means he’s bumping into all kinds of nerves down there — including some pretty sensitive ones you might not know you had. Be on the lookout for signs of labor, including contractions that come on stronger, at more regular intervals, and the “bloody show.” It could happen any day now — or it might not be for a few weeks. Until then, try to relax.


Your baby’s the size of a pumpkin! 

Baby is about 18.9 to 20.9 inches long and weighs about 6.2 to 9.2 pounds. Her head is now about the same circumference as her abdomen.


Your baby at 38 weeks

  • She may have about an inch or so of hair already.
  • She’s slowly shedding that white goo on her skin (called vernix caseosa) but you might see some of it at birth.

Pregnancy symptoms at 38 weeks

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