Happy due date — you made it! Since 40 weeks was the deadline you set for baby, you’ve probably already made sure the bassinet is made up, the car seat is installed and your hospital bag is by the door. Now, do some little things you might have forgotten, like making sure your cell phone is fully charged before you go to bed and the car is filled with gas. Some moms-to-be also choose to put a waterproof mattress cover on their bed, just in case their water breaks in the middle of the night. It’s not a must-do, but it’s not a bad idea either, especially because once baby comes, there might be other messes on or around your bed. Week 40 can be mentally rough, since you’ll probably be constantly wondering when baby will decide to finally make his entrance and question every twinge you have. Try not to stress, and rest assured that baby will arrive when he’s ready — and your body will give you the right signals that it’s time.
Your baby’s the size of a jackfruit!
In month nine, the average fetus is about 6.2 to 9.2 pounds and measures about 18.9 to 20.19 inches (wow!). But you really won’t know exactly how big your baby is until his birth.
Your baby at 40 weeks
- He’s continuing to grow hair and nails.
- And he’s keeping up that lung development, too.
Pregnancy symptoms at 40 weeks
- A continuation of the symptoms of the last few weeks: leg cramps, pelvic pressure. trouble sleeping, fatigue and contractions.
- Anxious! Don’t worry. Baby will be here soon.
Your must-do’s
- Schedule your weekly prenatal visit to the OB.
- Install the car seat, if you haven’t already.
- Look out for signs of labor.
Your nice-to-do’s
- We know it’s tough, but try to get plenty of rest!
- Read up on induction, in case your doctor orders one.