If you’re reading this, you’re one of the rare mamas-to-be who makes it to 42 weeks. And while you might be feeling like you’re going a little crazy, rest assured that as long as your doc is monitoring baby closely, she’s seeing to it that baby’s doing just fine in there. Its super rare for a baby to be born after week 42, so you’ll get to meet baby really soon — we promise!
Your baby’s the size of a jackfruit!
Yup, she’s still growing! But don’t worry, she’s unlikely to be too big to deliver.
Your baby at 42 weeks
- Because she’s probably shed the vernix caseosa (that filmy stuff she had), her skin is probably getting a little dry.
- She’s doing just fine in there — don’t worry, she’ll be here soon! 98 percent of babies emerge by the end of this week.
Pregnancy symptoms at 42 weeks
- The same stuff you’ve been feeling the past few weeks, maybe just more intense.
- Stressed! It’s tough going past your due date, but try to stay calm. Baby’s comfy in there, but she can’t stay in forever.
Your must-do’s
- Have your (last?) prenatal visit to the OB.
- Talk to your doctor about induction options.
- Have another nonstress test, if your doctor orders it.
- Do fetal kick counts, and let your doctor know if you notice anything out-of-the-ordinary.
Your nice-to-do’s
- Make sure your gas tank is filled and your bags are fully packed! At this point, is there anything you haven’t prepped? We doubt it!