Pressure’s on. Have you found the perfect baby name yet? It seems like parents-to-be either come up with baby’s name quickly and easily, or agonize over it all the way up until the birth. Either way, once you find one that seems perfect, you’ll probably think it’s even more perfect once you get to know (and fall in love with) the little bundle of joy who’ll go by it. At 21 weeks, not only are you likely to be looking anywhere and everywhere for baby name ideas, but you might be getting a sneak preview of some third trimester symptoms, such as leaky boobs, Braxton Hicks contractions and heartburn. While your body preps for baby’s arrival, you’re probably hard at work getting your home ready too. Of course, things like baby bouncers and changing table pads can be tough to choose from, but try not to stress. Baby won’t care if you pick out a playard that clashes with the area rug.
Your baby’s the size of a pomegranate!
At 10.5 inches and about 12.7 ounces, she’s big enough now that you’ve probably been feeling her movements.
Your baby at 21 weeks
- As her digestive system preps for the outside world, she’s manufacturing meconium — the tarry black substance you’ll find in her first dirty diaper (ew)!
- If it’s a girl, she’s already got a lifetime’s supply of eggs in her womb — about six million of them!
Pregnancy symptoms at 21 weeks
- Some heartburn and/or indigestion. Avoid spicy and greasy foods and other triggers.
- Braxton Hicks contractions. Your uterus might occasionally feel tight as it practices for labor.
- Leaky boobs. Your milk ducts will be fully developed by the end of this trimester.
- Dry, itchy skin, from all that stretching over your growing bump.
- Stretch marks. You skin gets pulled thinner as baby grows. Don’t worry, they should fade significantly after birth.
Your must-do’s
- Schedule your glucose screen test (for weeks 24-28)
Your nice-to-do’s
- Start your baby registry
- Talk to your partner about possible baby names.
- Start thinking about a baby shower