Arty Party
Arty Party introduce children to the world of Art in a fun and relaxed environment. It offers many activities including summer school (weekly sessions), After school activities, weekend classes and more. Arty Party is held at Nairobi Art Center.
Different themes are explored, from Africa to South America, to pre-historic painting, sea creatures, crazy creatures etc. The young students are introduced to different styles of art through all sorts of artists, countries and contemporary popular culture for inspiration. The key focus is on imagination and creativity, with the Arty Party team always coming up with new, innovative and exciting ideas ensuring that the young art students are kept busy and interested in whichever activity they choose to participate in.
The Arty Party workshops explore different art techniques and various materials and media; from working with clay, to batik, oil painting to various types of printing. With a little guidance and exposure to these activities, children usually love to express themselves through art.
Opp. Lavington Green Shops
25092, Lavington, Nairobi
+254 0727 415678