Bath time is a special time to enjoy bonding with your baby. It can be a fun, special time and also a time for caution. Keep these bathing tips in mind so your little one stays safe as you enjoy …
Bedtime can be a difficult time for parent and child. The American Academy of Pediatrics offers the following tips for handling the times when your child cries at bedtime: Wait a few minutes before responding; if the crying continues, wait …
Choose Appropriate Clothes The best fabric next to a baby’s skin is 100% cotton (wool and acrylic can irritate). As your new baby is delightfully ‘floppy’, the easiest outfit is a cotton all-in-one suit – try one with snap fasteners …
Your baby’s skin is more sensitive and delicate to that of older children and adult skin. It’s the essential shield that offers protection from the outside world, but as it is much thinner, it requires a higher level of care, …
Nothing is sweeter than the soft, smooth skin of a newborn. Your baby’s skin is a protective barrier, too. It will continue to change through their first year of life. Here’s how to keep it pampered and feeling good. Do …
Sometimes, one leaky diaper is all it takes to turn a peaceful night of sleep into a chaotic mess! So, what’s a parent to do? How do you stop leaky diapers from waking your baby or toddler at night? Here …
Studies suggest that babies who are stimulated reach developmental milestones and become independent earlier. They have keener senses, better muscle coordination and have a more secure self-image. On the other hand, babies who are not stimulated are found to grow …
Here’s what to look for as you choose clothes for your new baby. Use these guidelines when purchasing baby clothes to avoid being left with expensive garments your little one wore just once. 1. Always choose one size ahead of …
While the frequent diaper changes may not be your favorite part of the mommy or daddy job, they’re still part of the baby care package. And it’s good for baby too, since changing a diaper whenever it’s wet or messy …