Things you need to know: Breast milk is the perfect food for the baby. It provides all the nutrients and water that your baby needs to grow during the first 6 months of life. Colostrum (thick yellowish milk) that is …
The hand expression of breast milk, also called manual expression, is a technique where you use your hands instead of your baby or a breast pump to get the breast milk out of your breasts. This skill is pretty easy …
1. Sit up–right in a comfortable position with back straight. 2. Bring the baby to you instead of bending to reach the baby. 3. Put a pillow on your lap beneath the baby so as not to strain your hand …
Here are some answers about breast milk pumping and storage, including what to store breast milk in, how much to store, how long to store it, and some other common questions about using stored milk for your baby. From temperature …
Beyond providing nourishment and helping to protect your baby from getting sick, breast-feeding can also help you lose weight gained during pregnancy. When you breast-feed, you use fat cells stored in your body during pregnancy — along with calories from …
It’s no secret that breast feed feeding can sometimes be stressful for new mums. How do you tell when your baby is full? The good news is that your baby is the single best authority for when he or she …
Nursing your baby is no easy feat. Luckily, we’ve rounded up these 25 breastfeeding tips from the experts who’ve figured out the smartest tricks, shortcuts, and solutions. Before baby: Line up help. Consider meeting with a lactation consultant or …
Breastfeeding gives you an amazing opportunity to have a really close bond with your baby, to offer comfort in a unique way to anyone else and to nurture your baby. Scientists have discovered the secret behind how breastfeeding helps mothers …
For the first few days after giving birth, a new mother’s breasts remain soft. They will produce colostrum. Colostrum, the first milk, is available in just the right amount, and is rich in immune factors that protect newborns. Sometime during …
If breastfeeding feels a bit awkward at first, don’t worry. Breastfeeding is a skill that you and your baby learn together, and it can take time to get used to. There are lots of different positions you can use to …