Tumu tumu school for the deaf Information Address: 197-10101, Karatina Tel/Mobile: 067-2072250
School for the mentally handicapped Information Address: 56307-00100, Nairobi Tel/Mobile: 0722-244642 Email: info@treesidespecialschool.org
St. Gerald’s center for children with autism Information Location: Tigoni – Riara Riidge area, Next to Nazareth Hospital Tel/Mobile: 0706 350180, 0731 680265 Email: stgeralds@gmail.com
Special Education Department Information Location: 2nd Parklands Avenue Address: 42051-00100, Nairobi Tel/Mobile: 020-3743660, 3743160
Oshwal academy nairobi Information Location: Wambugu Road between Parklands Avenue and 1st Parklands Road, Nairobi, Kenya. Tel/Mobile: 0722 291833, 0735 347211, 0771 015246, 0771 015247 Email: pa@oannursery.ac.ke Website: oannursery.ac.ke/special-needs/
Ngara school for the deaf Information Location: Off Mburu Gichua Road Address: 10002-20101, Nakuru Tel/Mobile: 051-41151, 0722-362086
School for the mentally handicapped Information Location: Ondieki Highway, Opp. Mega City Address: 1203-40100, Kisumu Tel/Mobile: 020-2381804
Lisa/hola school for the deaf Information Location: TANA RIVER Address: 78-70101, Hola Tel/Mobile: 046-2013
Kestrel manor school Information Location: RingRoad, Westlands Tel/Mobile: 3740311, 0733616359 Email: info@kestrelmanorschool.com
School for the mentally handicapped Information Address: 6-10101, Karatina Tel/Mobile: 061-20371378