Toddler Understanding and Thinking Milestones
Right from birth, children are aware of their surroundings and want to explore them. As your child plays and interacts with the people and objects around him, he learns about his body, his home, and the world around him.
Below are some of the typical developmental milestones for “cognitive skills” (thinking and understanding)
Between the ages of 1-2 years, your child will:
Recognize herself in the mirror
Begin to say ‘no’ to bedtime and other requests
Enjoy dancing to music Imitate adults’ actions and words
Understand words and commands, and respond to them
Begin to match similar objects
Recognize and find familiar objects in storybooks with some help
Understand the difference between “you” and “me”
Feel proud when doing things independently
Between the ages of 2-3 years, your child will:
Understand simple stories
Respond to simple directions Name some objects in a book
Group objects by category (e.g. animals, clothing, food)
Play pretend with dolls or stuffed animals
Stack rings on a peg in order of size
Put together simple puzzles (3-4 piece inset puzzles) Identify herself in a mirror, saying “baby” or her own name
Tell others what he is doing Learn to count “1-2-3”