Swimming pools can be beneficial for kids. Swimming is not only fun, it is terrific exercise. In addition, a pool can set the scene for hours of quality family time, as well as playtime with friends. Sadly drowning is …
The kitchen and bathroom are two of your home’s most hazardous areas, where curious toddlers can easily find attractively packaged toxic agents. To avoid preventable poisoning, keep all of these substances out of reach and in locked cabinets. Other prevention …
It’s not only normal for babies to put things in their mouths, it’s also a sign that they are taking interest in the world around them. In the first year, children explore their surroundings by seeing, touching, hearing, smelling and …
Most of us can remember getting lost, even if just for a very short time, as children. It’s an incredibly frightening feeling to suddenly lose sight of your parents or guardians but thankfully (for both child and parent) in most cases the experience …
Supamamas Turn Your Financial Life Around Why do so many women delegate their financial security to a spouse or significant other and allow divorce or death to plunge them into poverty? Why do so many women spend more than they …
The first step in personal financial planning is controlling your day-to-day financial affairs to enable you to do the things that bring you satisfaction and enjoyment. This is achieved by planning and following a budget. The second step in personal …
Does your spouse or partner complain that you’re spending too much money? Does your closet contain lots of shoes or clothes that you almost never wear? Do you own every gadget known to man (or woman)? Do you come home …
If you’ve just received the news that you are pregnant congratulations! And yes, you’ll need a solid financial plan and discipline because there’s about to be another mouth to feed. Many couples will want or need to move into a …
You want your children to have the best education possible, yet school and university expenses and fees can be costly. The money you spend on your kids’ education could be one of your family’s biggest expenses. Starting to save early …
The six most common financial mistakes we might find ourselves making are: Living on credit: unsecured consumer debt such as credit card debt, personal loans, and students loans is like a cancer. It starts small and then begins to grow. “If not …