Many people who have a history of eczema notice that the skin condition tends to worsen during pregnancy, likely thanks to changing hormones and other shifts that occur in the body while growing a baby. Additionally, if you’ve had eczema …
Some women’s skin starts glowing during their pregnancy and some suffer from skin pigmentation making it look pale and dull. All this happens due to the pregnancy hormones. To maintain healthy and beautiful skin during pregnancy, you may need to …
Your body goes through a world of change during pregnancy, and that includes your skin. Some of those changes can be permanent; some will reverse themselves within weeks to a year of giving birth. There are a variety of things …
Your weight Not-too-bad news: Having a baby doesn’t itself make you much heavier. It’s true that most women weigh more after having kids. But it’s also true, that most women weigh more after not having kids. The bulk of your …
Am a proud mother of 4 (a son who is 12, and triplet girls who are 10 years of age). 2. How would I describe myself? I would describe myself as a free spirit and am often inspired by this …
We love our children and teenagers, but the stresses of COVID-19, money and lock down can make us angry. Here is how we can maintain control and manage our anger so we do not hurt others. Brain science shows if …
ONE-ON-ONE TIME DURING COVID-19 Can’t go to work? Schools closed? Worried about money? It is normal to feel stressed and overwhelmed. School shutdown is also a chance to make better relationships with our children and teenagers. One-on-One time is free …
Adolescents may be missing school, friends and their social life. It is important to provide them with extra support as well as the space to express themselves independently. Spend time with your teen Plan creative ways to communicate with friends and …